St. Joseph’s is a school that operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is owned, operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS), where formation and education are based on the principles of Catholic doctrine.
1.1 The following families are strongly encouraged to apply for concessional school fees:
2.1 FFPOS (Full Fee Paying Overseas Students) or full-time HSS are ineligible for the concession as no government funding is available for FFPOS or full-time HSS.
3.1 Students of eligible families are entitled to concessional school fees.
3.2 The school fee for eligible students is:
3.3 The above fees cover both tuition fees and levies.
4.1 Applications for concessional school fees must be made on the St. Joseph’s approved form.
4.2 Information provided in support of concessional school fees must be treated in the strictest confidence, in accordance with the School’s Privacy Policy.
5.1 The Principal of St. Joseph’s is delegated the authority to approve concessional school fees
5.2 When an application for concessional school fees is approved, an automated payment plan must be established. Where applicable, the payment plan should be set up through CentrePay or via direct credit to the School.
5.3 When invoicing families for concessional school fees, St. Joseph’s will invoice school fees and levy in full and then show a fee remission on the invoice so that the invoice total reflects the concessional school fee amount.
6.1 In the circumstance that a family applies for but does not meet the threshold for a school fee reduction, the Principal will work out an appropriate payment plan with the family.
6.2 Unsuccessful applications for concessional school fees are not entitled to top-up grants.
© Copyright St Joseph's Primary School