Our Philosophy
Our Vision:
We instil the Gospel Values, in the tradition of the Catholic Church, as we develop caring and confident learners, equipped to be participants in a contemporary world.
Our Mission is to provide:
We firmly believe that the wellbeing of children is fundamental to high outcomes in learning. We are committed to the explicit teaching of foundational skills in English and Mathematics as we know that these skills and understandings provide the building blocks for all future learning.
We provide a broad, contemporary curriculum, which provides learning experiences that cater for individual student’s needs and inspire a love of learning. As a Catholic school, we provide an education that equips our young people with the knowledge, skills, hope and optimism to live meaningful lives and shape and enrich the world around them.
We have a strong emphasis on the social-emotional wellbeing of students, with a range of programs and practices in place to assist students to develop a positive sense of self and positive relationships with others. Teachers use the 'Personal and Social Capability', from The Victorian Curriculum, to form the foundations for the social and emotional learning of students.
The staff at St Joseph’s greatly value our incredibly supportive and inclusive parent community, who are active in the working life of the school. Our parents truly work in partnership with the staff to provide the best possible education for the children at our school.
The staff at St. Joseph’s are committed to...
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