Behaviour Management and Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices

Through the use of restorative practices, children become aware of the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and learn from conflict situations. The philosophy and practice of restorative justice is to restore relationships between the one who is harmed and the one who causes harm. It aims to promote resilience in the one harmed and the one causing harm and restore relationships which may have been damaged. Restorative measures help students learn from their mistakes, grow in self-discipline, take responsibility for their actions, recognise the impact of their actions on others, and reconcile and resolve conflict with others. These practices include using restorative language, circle time and holding restorative meetings.

At St. Joseph’s we take a number of measures to promote a safe environment and to build positive relationships. To assist the children to grow and develop in these areas, the school works together with the co-operation of parents and the school community as a whole. These include:

• Rights and responsibilities of members of our school community
• School rules
• Classroom rules and responsibilities
• Restorative practices
• Restorative meetings
• Circle time
• Procedures of how we respond to inappropriate behaviour


All members of our school community have the following rights:
• To be safe and happy
• To be treated with respect
• To teach, work, learn and play to the best of their ability


Teachers have a responsibility to:
• Provide a safe, Christian and supportive environment for all students
• Treat students with respect and consideration
• Provide a differentiated curriculum that reaches all students
• Nurture positive relationships with students and their parents
• Value and support fellow staff members
• Facilitate restorative meetings and processes when appropriate


Students have a responsibility to:
• Show respect to all members of the school community, all teachers, other adults and each other
• Act honestly and be responsible for their own actions
• Care for one another through their actions or words
• Actively engage in the learning process
• Play fairly
• Show respect for their own and other people's property
• Restore relationships after harm is caused


Parents have a responsibility to:
• Provide a safe and supportive environment for their children
• Treat all children with respect and consideration
• Nurture positive relationships with staff
• Support and endorse the school behaviour management policy
• Support the school's learning and teaching philosophy
• Support the staff in implementing the behaviour management policy


Staff have a responsibility to:
• Be familiar with and use restorative language with children
• Hold circle time meetings at least once a fortnight with their class
• Use the restorative practices questions with both the victim and offender in restoring relationships both in the classroom and on the playground.


Circle time generates a sense of belonging, which promotes acceptance and support within the community of the school. It brings together the teachers and students in an enjoyable atmosphere of cooperation, where students become more able to express their feelings. As students learn more about themselves and each other, a warm and supportive group atmosphere is built along with improved relationships.

STAR VALUES (School Rules)
Our STAR values have been developed through our participation in The Positive Schoolwide Behaviour Program, and these form the 'School Rules' at St. Joseph's:

  •  Stay Safe
  •  Try Your Best
  •  Act Responsibly
  •  Respect Yourself and Others
All behaviour and interactions within our community are guided by these STAR values, and each week students are acknowledged during our Friday morning assembly, for bringing our values to life.


Harassment or bullying is any verbal, physical, cyber, visual and sexual behaviour, which infringes an individual’s rights, threatening an individual’s well being, self-worth and dignity and therefore fails to respect others.
Claims of harassment or bullying are a serious matter. Students can report any form of harassment to any staff member or the teacher on playground duty. For processes and policies associated with bullying/ harrassment concerns, please see the relevant policies on this website.

© Copyright St Joseph's Primary School