Dear Parents, Carers and Families,
Welcome to St Joseph's Primary School, in the heart of Malvern!
As Principal, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as your view our school website. It is our hope, that as you work your way through the various pages on our website, you will become familiar with school life at St Joseph's and develop deeper insights and understandings about our beautiful little school and our school values. As we share this journey wth you, your child and your family, we hope that this is the beginning of a positive and flourishing relationship with our school.
At St Joseph's, meaningful relationships with each child and every family is most important to us. We are a small Catholic Primary School, with just over 180 students. Being a small school means that we know every child and the families within our school community incredibly well. Our relationships are built on respect and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels welcome. We take great pride in fostering a deep understanding of every child and their learning needs, as well as developing strong, positive relationships and partnerships with families. As educators, our role is to work in partnership with parents, acknowledging that parents are the primary educators of their children. We strive to create positive partnerships with families and provide many ways to communicate and engage parents in all aspects of school life. We pride ourselves on the warm welcome and inclusiveness of our community. At St Joesph's, we value community, where everyone is known by name. We value the learning partnership between school and home and actively work to engage our families in a shared conversation about learning.
Each staff member takes great care in ensuring a happy, warm and welcoming environment so that our students feel comfortable and secure when they are at school. We pride ourselves on ensuring every child feels safe so that they can learn, grow and flourish as young people and learners. We provide a caring and supportive learning environment and work to ensure that all students can experience success, with wellbeing at the centre of all we do.
It is our responsibility to provide every student with opportunities, resources and the support they need to learn, so that they can not only participate in all aspects of school life, but become independent and capable young people. We pride ourselves on having high expectations and providing rich learning experiences, firmly grounded on the latest research and the evidence of how students learn most effectively and efficiently, whether it is academic, sporting or creative, striving for teaching and learning excellence and equity in all we do.
As a Catholic school in the Parish of Malvern, we espouse the values taught by Jesus in the Gospels and we seek to deliver a high-quality Catholic education, one that fosters a formation of the whole person that is deeply and enduringly humanising. We aspire to provide an education that equips our young people with the knowledge, skills, hope and optimism to live meaningful lives that shape and enrich the world around them. As people of St Joseph's, we aspire to be a united community of faith and learning where love, hope and welcome flourish.
At St Joseph's we proudly look after the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs of every child. I look forward to welcoming you and your family to St Joseph’s school community, where the staff are caring and nurturing, and committed to ensuring the best possible learning environment for your child to flourish. I encourage you to reach out at any time to visit us at St Joseph's . I welcome the opportunity to chat with you about your child and your family's needs and to understand what is important to you. I look forward to meeting with you very soon.
Warmest regards,
Annabelle Marinelli
© Copyright St Joseph's Primary School